Call for Papers
Submissions are solicited on a wide variety of topics related to applied reconfigurable computing, including but not limited to:
- METHODS AND TOOLS (High-Level Compilers, Simulation, Estimation, Design space exploration, Languages to program reconfigurable systems, etc.);
- ARCHITECTURES (Fine-grained, coarse-grained, and mixed-grained, Multiprocessor-based reconfigurable platforms, Microprocessors with tightly-coupled reconfigurable hardware, etc.);
- APPLICATIONS (High-Performance Systems, use of reconfigurable computing in embedded systems, robotics, digital signal processing, etc.);
- BENCHMARKS (papers presenting benchmarks publicly available to be used by the reconfigurable computing community are especially welcome).
Authors are invited to submit original work in the following formats:
- FULL PAPERS (12 pages at the maximum): they should include mainly accomplished results;
- SHORT PAPERS (6 pages at the maximum): they should be mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh development;
- In order to maintain a blind review no information about authors should be included in the papers being submitted;
- The format of the papers should be according to Springer-Verlag LNCS series (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format rules (guidelines at Authors are requested to submit the final version of their papers using the Latex format (please, use de template included in;
- » Paper Submission
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: November 27, 2006
- Notification to authors: December 22, 2006
- Camera-Ready Submission: January 10, 2007
- Registration: December from 29, 2006
- Workshop: March 27-29, 2007
As with the 2006 ARC edition, it is planned to publish the proceedings of this year's workshop as a Springer Verlag LNCS series volume. The best papers will be invited to submission to a special issue of the International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis Group) dedicated to ARC 2007
Please use the LLNCS.zipfile on this link for Latex instructions.